Monday, November 17, 2008

Are You Ready?????

Here it is.........
Yes I know it's winter and I live in Michigan, and it is nice having a "White Christmas", still when you wake to this it's hard. It just seems to last so long and you know it will get worse. This was just a "dusting" according to the weather-person, and the not so distant memories of 4", 6" and 10" snowfalls loom just ahead for the next few months.
I guess this on top of all the economic problems going on right now, it seems a bit much. I have never hated the snow, actually wishing for it around the holiday's. Perhaps it's my age? The thought of scraping windows. waiting for the car to warm up, and driving in rush hour traffic before a salt truck has graced us with their presence has just become to much to face. Still I knew it was coming, and I have lived here long enough to know it will come, what was I thinking? I don't know, maybe I was hoping for another "El Nino".
For those of you familiar with the "Walgreen's" commercials, about the town of "Perfect" where everything goes the way you want it, in my vision this stuff ends the day after New Years Eve, followed by an early spring.


  1. Did you take this in the wee hours of the morning?
    Yes, let us see if we can do something about the amount of snow fall we get this winter. I'm all for that.

  2. Who would have thought that someone you admire would do this? I am sorry you didn't get even get a little bit of recognition for your sharing. So sad....


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