Saturday, March 7, 2009

PiNk SaTuRdAy!!!!!

Ta-Da! Here it is my first "Pink" Saturday! I gathered several (and I mean "several", many of which will have to wait until the next time) items, and started trying to lay out a pretty picture. I love pink, it has been one of my favorites for some time. I am of course a big fan of the pale turquoise too. So ladies I have decided to lay out the beginnings of a small tea. Please stop in for a delicious "lofthouse" cookie, and a cup of afternoon tea.
Here is the other shot I took. While I like the effect above this allows you to see more of my "pink" items.
Here is another photo, a little further back, I couldn't really decide.
So this was my first "Pink" Saturday and I am sorry for those early birds who came over and thought the previous post was it. You are too kind. I apologize for waiting.


  1. Beautiful, Deb. Your photo is perfect. Love the pink hankie, and your cake dish! ~Nance

  2. Deb welcome to Pink Saturday! You have some gorgeous pink going on there. ♥

  3. Looks like lots of pink. Send some cookies this way.

  4. beautiful! i like the "collage" look.

  5. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Deb.

    Your collection of pinks is filled with many exquisite things. I love the shaker is see. Is it Nippon? And, those mugs are fabulous.

  6. Welcome to Pink Saturday. God bless you, Sarah

  7. Oh man! I was just over there and I missed out on the cookies.
    These are great photos Deb, and all those precious pink items!!! I really hadn't realized what a fan of pink you are.

  8. wow, indeed, you pink saturday is "all good!"

    terrific photo - and lovely things (your small floral hat pin holder is a pattern that we collected for almost 20 years!)

    happy first pink saturday - and welcome!

  9. Pretty Pink post... may I have a cookies please... lol

  10. They are all lovely photos. I like the little vignette you set up, but you can see the cookies in the final photo the best. Cookies are very important you know! Welcome to Pink Saturday!

    Erin :)

  11. Just so lovely.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

    Barb/Bella Vista

  12. Have a great Pink Saturday.

    Oooh, cookies!!

  13. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday. Your gonna love the "Pink Gals in all of their amazing pinkness".

    Beautiful collage of pinks!


  14. So many gorgeous things in 1 picture. I'm glad you showed it without the misty effect, I love the little round box and the lace on the hankie! Welcome to Pink Saturday!

  15. Hi Debbie! Welcome to Pink Saturday! I love your pinkness today, especially the pink "present" cup & saucer ~ I've wanted one of those for so long!!

    So happy that you stopped by my blog & told me your daughter's name ~ I've got a funny story to share with you of how my mother named me. Email me sometime & I will share it with you.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  16. Hi There!
    I would love to come for Tea or just to visit~such pretty PINKS you have~~I love pink too and also pale AQUA~~Have a wonderful Day

    marian elizabeth
    that shabby pink girl

  17. Hello, Welcome to Pink Saturday. Thank you for stopping by and leaving lovely comments. Yes, I do make the pin cushions. I sell them on etsy.

    I love your first pink post. Those cookies are making me want to back cookies. AND....I LOVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH TEATIME. Your collection is superb. Have a wonderful weekend. pink hugs, Ellen

  18. Lots of sweet pink treasures! Maybe I would choose the little cup near the back.

    Very pretty. Thanks.


  19. Hi Deb!
    Welcome to Pink Saturday!
    What a treasure trove of Pink goodness! I'm grabbing one of those delicious looking Pink cookies...Yummmm!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :D

  20. Hi Debra,
    Thanks for stopping by and welcome to your first Pink Saturday! It is a fun day for all of us who participate! Have yourself a wonderful weekend.


  21. Cute pink post. Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. What a treasure of pink things to share for your first Pink Saturday. Welcome.

    Happy pink saturday,

  23. great pik goodies!
    happy saturday!

  24. lovely pink stuff! I love the small jars/vase.. and milinery rose.. Have a good weekend.. happy PS!

  25. Welcome to Pink Saturday, Your pink is gorgeous along with your photos... great job..
    Happy Pink Saturday, hugs ~lynne~

  26. Happy 1st Pink Saturday Debra! Oh I would love to have tea with you as everything looks just so lovely! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, I really appreciate both the comment and your time. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  27. Cute, cute, cute!!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  28. Very cute, love all the pinks. Uhm' Is that cookies I see?

    Great blog. I enjoyed the youtube video of the Conan Show. How true. We are very spoiled.

    Happy PS


  29. thanks for posting on my blog - but, I did comment on the Pink Saturday post! However, I'm perfectly happy to come back and look at the goodies again!

    (I'm the one who collected china in the pattern of your hatpin holder!)

    once again, LOL, hApPy PiNk SaTuRdAy!

  30. Welcome to Pink Saturday! Pink looks even better in a group doesn't it?

  31. I could use a napkin please? I'm sort of drooling here.


  32. Lovely pinks!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  33. Welcome to pink Saturday! Love your pink photos, and the little cup that says "A present" is so sweet.

  34. I love your sea of pink here! Very pretty items. With some of the cupcakes on my blog, I think we could have had a tea party here.

    Thanks for your visit and your wonderful comments!


  35. Hello and Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you for stopping by! Love your pink and so glad to have you join us!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  36. It looks like I have found a new fun blog!! Thank you for sharing and Happy First Pink Saturday!!

  37. Deb,
    Pretty Pink! Mmmm! The cookies are delicious! Happy First Pink! Kathy

  38. Love all of the pink. The cookies look very yummy.

    hugs :)


  39. welcome! what a nice collection of pink treasures!

  40. Lovely pinks and welcome to Pink Saturday!


  41. I am in LOVE with the salt and pepper shakers...the ones in the corner and the larger one closer to the top! If you ever want to part with them let me know lol! Such eye candy! Thanks so much for sharing and your visit to my submission for today too! Nice to meet you!!

    Molly :)

  42. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. wow, lots of great pinkness there...cookies look yummy!

  43. hi debra,

    happy belated 1st pink saturday!

    what a lovely collection of pinks you have assembled!


  44. So many pretty pinks!! I really enjoyed your little tea party. And hey, Thursday's post works for Pink Sat Too, She is after all wearing pink. Which is the best color of all for super Heros!!

  45. Happy Pink Saturday and welcome! I love all the beautiful pink in your photo. Lovely.

  46. Beautiful photographs of your pretty pink things!

  47. Happy Pink Saturday Debra, and of course I'm late trying to get around to everyone. Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Love your pink vignette and all your pinks, you have quite a collection. Thanks so much for sharing, they are so pretty - they just make me happy looking at them.

  48. Congratulations on your first Pink post (it's only my second week). It's hard getting the hang of the EST time thing - I have no idea how it gels with the UK!

    I agree it's hard to choose which photo - they are all great, and your first vignette with the oval would make a great blog header should you ever wish to change. A beautiful grouping.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  49. Hi Debra,
    all the pink stuff is very beautiful. Your background as well.
    What happened to my leg was my dog meeting a beautiful bitch on the beach.
    He ran as fast as he ever could unforunately with the leash twice around my leg.
    Thus a fracture...."sigh"
    Hugs Eva Agnes

  50. I love all your pretty Pinks...and those cookies would go great with my little Tea Party...
    Mo :-)

  51. Deb thanks for the tea and the cookies. I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to take the pink cup to pour my tea in.

    Next time I will try to be more aware.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  52. Your pink is LOVELY. I wanted to reach right in to my screen and grab a cookie! Love your blog...that video was hilarious!!

  53. I tried reaching through the computer to grab a pink cookie but since it's now late Sunday night they're all GONE! LOL Very nice pink things and welcome to PS. :)Nancy

  54. I'm a little slow getting around to Pink Saturday posts this week. Yours is lovely. More than lovely - beautiful. I can identify with the remarks you made in the above post. Blogging can get to be a full time job. It is certainly addictive.
    Have a great week and take a break from blogging - if you can. LOL

  55. I am very late...happy Pink day..


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