Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Wake Up Call and a Good Laugh

I just watched this little number on a post at and laughed my head off. Why? because it is so true. People have been so spoiled and feel so entitled they forget to be amazed and appreciate all the advatages they have. Just watch and see if you don't agree.


  1. Yep ...Yep...Oh my goodness..LOL
    that's so true..Yep Yep...LoL

    it's over...I could of listened to him go on and on. There truely are plenty of things to be amazed at and appreciative of.

    Great Post. I'm glad you found it out there in blog world and brought it mack for us who may not have seen this.

  2. Hilarious, Deb. It started my day with laughter! Great post. Thanks for sharing. ~Nance

  3. I just read your post and watched the video--so funny and so, so TRUE! I loved it! I don't know who Conan's guest is, do you? He's a riot! Thanks for giving me a good laugh today. I've been reading your other posts, catching up. Love your blog! Smiles, Jann

  4. And so it ends Deb. I love your version and it is now my official ending. xooxo

    I think that you and I may almost be twins.

    I too have been the person picking up the elderly lady. My sister Jacquie picks them up on a regular basis. She actually drives around in bad weather in case she may see one.

    Love Renee

  5. Surprise!!! I have a blog award for you!!!

  6. haa.haa.. I want to marry this guy! I am so glad I am not the only one in awe!!! I love your bugs bunny quote too!

  7. He IS funny! Even at 7 in the morning! Who is this guy?????? If you find out, let me know!

  8. That is so true! I loved it!!!

  9. How funny, I just posted this same video on the 8th.
    For anyone that doesn't know, his name is Louis CK.


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