Friday, July 17, 2009

A Very Nice Surprise..

Stef Hughes has been commenting on my blog for some time. We got into a conversation about being Catholic, Icons, etc. She is such a sweet lady and I had a couple item I though she might enjoy. So I sent them to her. In return she sent me this very nice surprise. A wonderful card she made (she is a Stampin-Up demonstrator, check out her site, they have some neat stamps). Please check out her blog, she makes very pretty cards, here:
Thank You Stef, I will put the images to good use and I have never tried the felt flourishes before, so it will be fun to use them!


  1. Debra: you are soooo welcome! enjoy! i can't wait to see what you do with them.


  2. Hello my bloggy friend! WooHoo!!! Party day is just a week away! I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone's creative spaces. I have a request... I thought it would be easier for everyone to leave comments if we all turned off comment moderation and word verification during the day (or maybe week) of the party. To do that, go to customize, settings, comments...then scroll down to turn off comment moderation and word verification.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week. See you next Friday!!

    My Desert Cottage


I have only a simple request, be polite, and no foul language please.