Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Bad News

I have just returned home last night from my brothers burial. We gathered, brothers and sisters afterward to comfort each other and say goodbye once again. We spoke of the shortness of life, the gift of family, the good and the bad, the need to keep in touch and not take life for granted. We have so often put off getting together, we thought we had an endless supply of time. We say we will be better, we will make the time. I know we mean it now, but as time goes by it is so easy to take these precious moments for granted.
When I came home to check my mail and blog I read this. As you know Renee (Circling my head), my blog friend and her family, have been walking through hell. Renee has IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) and her sister has a tumor (cancer) in her brain that has cost her the use of the left side of her body. They did not remove all of it and is undergoing treatment. Jacquie's son, Sheldon, has been in the hospital these last months with cancer too. It is a rare form, and he has had surgeries and was going to start Chemo.
Today though, things have changed. Today I read that Sheldon only has a brief two months left. Today my heart is heavy, and the loss of my brother seems pale in comparison to the pain this family has endured, and continues to endure. I have prayed, hoped, asked for mercy, yet today it is hard. I do not see the light at the end of this tunnel. I cannot fathom all this pain and suffering. So much for one family to bear.
I weep for Renee, Jacquie, my brother, and of course for Sheldon. I read of his strength and bravery and I am in awe that someone so young, a warrior as Renee calls him, can find a way to be brave and strong facing this journey. His courage gives me hope.
In her post linked here ( Three times Three no 8) Renee talks of a dream Sheldon had where he sits with his Grandfather on a bench. In it he knows his Grandfather has passed away, and is told by his Grandfather he has passed too. Perhaps he came to Sheldon to assure him that he is waiting to greet him, that it will be okay? In a way it seems to have given Sheldon a light at the end of his tunnel. His Grandfather is waiting, he will greet him and there he will find peace, free from pain. I do not know, but it has given Sheldon some peace.
I can only feel the pain here, loss compounded by two. Oh Renee I pray for strength, for you, for Jacquie, for me, as for Sheldon? He is my hero, may I be just a fraction as brave.
God Bless Your family.
For those who read this post, please stop by and join me in praying for, and with this family.


  1. Oh Debra, dear friend.

    Thank you for this post. Thank you for loving Sheldon too.

    Again, I am sorry to hear about your brother.

    I do hope and sometimes even believe in life to life.

    I love you dear friend.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. Dear friend could you send me your mailing address again please.


  3. I would like to send her a card if you have a moment can you e-mail it to me..Thanks..I'll call you soon.
    xo Ter'

  4. oh debra! you words are more beautiful than anyone can ever imagine. my heart is so, so sad and all i can offer here are prayers or should i say continuing prayers because i've been praying since you first posted of renee's woes. however, she has a marvelous gift of strength which, in itself, is a blessing! not to mention the blessing of you as her friend.


  5. Wow Debra you have said all of this so poetically ~ I'm in tears.

    Yes I grieve and pray for Renee's family.

    I can't even imagine the pain all of these people are feeling. A mother sick with cancer watching her son die of cancer... and Renee who I love so very much struggles with her own cancer...

    I am so sorry about the loss of your brother...

    Life is short....

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss Debra.
    And so happy for your Daughter! Life is crazy like that I guess. I'll join you in praying for your friends.

  7. Wow Debra, I'm so sorry to hear all of this. I've been so busy taking care of my Dad (with dementia), I haven't had the chance to visit much. Coming here today (I'm on a mini vaca in Texas) is a blessing for me to stop and let you know that I am thinking and praying for you, your family and your friends. The loss of your brother is still a loss and should never be played down nor shadowed by any other tragedy. He is your brother and a part of you is missing now. Your words about family wanting to stay in touch after a loss is soooo familiar. It's all part of a grieving process which is very healthy to long to be together. However in my experience, we tend to go about our busy lives again and realize that life does go on. Our lives.
    About your friends walking through hell...yes, it is horrible to hear of someone suffering, especially a child. Knowing that their road will be better in a way that we can never imagine is always something comforting to think about. And when I do think about that...I really wonder who is the lucky one. Knowing they are suffering for this short period to have an eternity of happiness is light at the end of the tunnel.
    The greatest gift we can give someone is prayers...
    I'm sending them your way~
    everything vintage

  8. Debra,

    My heart breaks for Renee and her family. I have been praying for them and will continue to do so. Thanks for keeping us all posted on Renee and her family. You are a good friend:).



  9. I'm really, really sorry. :-(

    ((( hugs )))

  10. Goodness--I have been trying to catch up on the blogs that on my "favorites" list, as it's been a busy summer for me, and I came to yours tonight. I'm so very, very sorry about your brother--and to read about this news about Renee's family--it's just devastating. It's only a small thing I can do, but I will add all of you to my prayers tonight. God Bless You, Debra.


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