Sunday, November 1, 2009

13 Days of Halloween Finale!

On the last day of my swap....... It was Halloween, and my swap partner gave to me....the cutest little handmade paper mache pumpkin with a little witch inside! A neat paper flower made from pattern paper, cool. She also made sure I stayed warm handing out candy with a fuzzy brown scarf(which I love!!!).
Here is the whole collection! 13 Days and many Halloween favors....
This swap was a lot of fun, I want to thank Renee, Chateau of Remnants for all her hard work! I now have a lot of additions to add to my Halloween decor! Also shout out to Harley of Koalafuzz, for hosting! Thank You ladies for making this a ghoulishly clever Halloween!.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I found #19!!!! The dog took it to my daughter room to open and shred the paper. Well is was left on the bed so my daughter thought I left it there for her. I even asked her the other day where she found the cute band aids and her reply was "that gift I got remember"?? Okay, So I thought she meant from her Not my Well now we know! Thanks Deb!!


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