Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bottle Swap Mini

I participated in a "Bottle Swap". Where your assigned a partner and fill a 2 liter bottle with goodies to mail out to them. I was very lucky to get a very gernerous partner (Bona @ livelovescrap on Youtube) and she gave me a "mini album" kit in the bottle she sent me. I finished putting it together and wanted to share it with you. These "mini" scrapbooks are so much fun!


  1. now that is something different! can't wait to see what you make with it! i KNOW it'll be gorgeous!

    hope all else is well.

  2. Hi Deb, You did a really marvelous job putting all the doo dads together to make this very cool mini book. It is just BEAUTIFUL. Love it! ~ Nance


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