Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where Bloggers Create II

Yeah! It's that time again. I participated in this last year after I had just re-decorated and re-organized my small craft room. This year I have just moved to a larger room (to accommodate my ever-increasing "stuff"). I cannot wait to share where I create, and to visit other Blogs to see theirs! Please join me on Saturday June 19th for a tour of some very creative and inspirational places where very talented people create their art. It is a feast for the eyes, and will inspire you with ideas for your own personal creative area. You can find the list of participants "here" at the site of our Hostess for the event. Have fun, hope to "see" you there, and hopefully here where I will have pictures of my new space!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the "transformation." I can only imagine how beautiful it is going to be!! Hugs, Nance


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