Friday, February 18, 2011

Winner OWOH!!!

The winner of the OWOH giveaway is.....
Linda, of Charmed Victorian!
I then decided to have a drawing from those that decided to follow my blog....
So, Helen , of A Midsummers Night's Dreamer you also get to choose!
Thank you to everyone who visited my blog and left such nice comments! I wish I could give everyone something. I have visited some very lovely blogs, and am still sifting through many new ones. Thank you Lisa Swifka for being the amazing Hostess of these events!


  1. Congratulations to the winners!!!!

  2. Congrats to YOU!! You have won one of my lucky dips! Please drop by and comment or email me your address.
    Thanks for entering!

  3. Hi Debra,
    I e-mailed you to let you know you won my OWOH door prize but I haven't heard back from you so I thought I'd try leaving a comment. If you could please e-mail me at susanleschke at gmail dot com I'll get it out to you!

  4. i love the new background Debra! really beautiful.
    ps: congrats to the winner!!
    Have a wonderful day!



I have only a simple request, be polite, and no foul language please.