(Drum-roll please......) Ladies and Gents I give you the "Great Boo-dini"! Master escape artist extraordinaire!
Okay , this is Bailey (a.k.a. Boo). Today I took Bail's, Cookie, and Bunny to my daughters for grooming. I do the grooming, Steph supplies lunch and her three dogs, that I also groom. Being a good "doggie" mom I have seat belt harnesses for my dogs. They lock the dog in the seat so that if I have to stop suddenly, or gosh forbid have an accident, they are safe and won't risk being flung about. Dogs left loose in a car with no protection (especially these little ones) risk broken limbs, torn muscles, or worse (broken backs and necks).
After grooming my dogs are ready to go home. So I carefully adjust the harnesses and lock them down and head out. As I pull out of my daughters sub I look back and see Bailey standing there, happy as clam, NO harness! So I pull over. Okay maybe I need to tighten the straps, he was groomed. I do all that lock him in and we are off again.
About three miles later I feel a wet nose touch my arm, yep, it's Boo and once more he has shed his harness. So I pull over. Get out, tighten the straps, stick my fingers to make sure they are not too tight, and off we go.
I am just going to tell you this happened "twice" more before we got home, I was ready to krazy glue the darn thing on him! I didn't even remove that much hair?
Here is our other Yorkie the "Cookie" (little monster). Steve was complaining about her hair in her face, so today she got her bangs cut so you can really see her eyes. Her fur is more thin and wiry that Baileys so all she has done is wash, brush, bum and "lady" parts trimmed, paws, eyes and ears. (she managed to stay in her harness!)
She gave them to Harley's Haven and my daughter was fostering him. She really had not had any issues with him (other than having to correct him a couple times), that is until today.
She brought him out to be groomed and I don't know what happened to this dog in his short life but apparently this triggered something in him. He went "crazy". I mean "C-R-A-Z-Y", biting tearing, clawing crazy. Thank goodness she had bite proof gloves on.
All I know is that he was fine, letting me pet him. I turned on my razor (with the guard on it. I do this to see if they are okay with the sound, then with the guard on I touch them with it to see how they react to the vibration, before attempting any cut). He seemed okay. Then all Steph did was touch the long hair on the one side of his face, and BAM! Crazy, violent dog. Foaming, biting and snarling.
The thing was this was not a "fear"based reaction. Even after holding him and getting him calm, all she had to do was try to touch him and the crazy started again. He bit her "leather padded" protection gloves so hard he broke a blood vessel in her finger and shook her up. This grooming was not going to happen.
The real problem was that after this, he was taken for an assessment and it was decided that he be put down. They could not guarantee that this behavior could be corrected. Poor "fozzie" was too great a liability to ever be adopted out. So he was euthanized. I felt so bad. Steph was clearly shaken and upset, all she said was "its too bad people do this to animals, let their bad behavior take over until they cannot be helped". I felt awful. They have worked with some pretty messed up animals, most can be corrected and placed, but this was the first time they had to accept that this would not be the case.