This last weekend I was lucky (and I mean lucky) to be in the right place at the right time. My youngest was in town and wanted to hit a couple Flea Markets, perhaps a garage sale while she was down from College for the weekend watching her sisters pets. Steph and her husband Pat had to go to Ohio for a family wedding on Pat's side. Kim and her Boyfriend Mike came down to House/Dog sit for them. We arrived late as the one Flea Market, had changed their day and was not open. We stopped, had breakfast then went to another. Usually when you arrive late at these kind of things everything has been "picked" over and there isn't a lot left to see. However we arrived just as a vendor pulled up (she was late too). I was there as she took this (pic below) off her truck, and I was so excited! I just had to bring her home with me, meet Aunt "B" (that's what I am calling her for now, although I was calling her Bertha initially),
Isn't she FABULOUS! She's a "full-figured gal" (ah-hem like Moi') and has all her original parts!
Here she is sporting on of my new necklaces, and "wish-bottle" charm in green.....
Here's a closer look at the charm...
Here my other lady, a smaller petite short form ( my sweet hubby mounted her on a pole and stand for me, as she was only the torso), she is sporting the teal charm and necklace I made...
Here's the charm up close, I experimented with looping wire (a pain in the butt!) to hang a plethora of yummy goodness from.......
Oh, and behind my new lady was this young gal picture below... I was sooo tempted to keep her too, but I am going to be generous and let Terri have her. (she has silently envied me my other gals upstairs, I have two short torso gals, and said she wanted one) She had some issues with her neck but between my sweet hubby and I we fixed her up good as new. LOVE, love the brass plates on her arms!
Better come get her soon Terri, or she may wind up staying! (heh heh)
P.S. I also managed to find one of Stephs "Josef Birthday Girl statuettes" for her, and a pretty hand painted vase! Kim found some trims, a steamer, and a couple records.