Kana has received her basket!!! So now I can show you the mouse i made for her.....

I have participated in the "Year of Color May Basket Swap". My "swap partner" Ms. Kana Conger in Tennessee was really on the ball. You see we were to have mailed out our baskets by today. I mailed hers early this morning. Well today while at work, Steven called to tell me I had received a box from Tennessee.
I did not think too much about initially, because my good friend Cathy lives in Tennessee, so I thought it must be from her. No, it was from Kana! Gosh she was early. I did not know if I was supposed to wait until May 1st, so I emailed her right away to let her know it had arrived. Dare I ask, I couldn't wait... please don't ask me to wait.
Her response, "Yes, open it", so I decided to share this with all of you. I have to admit it was very hard making myself stop long enough to take photo's......
Here it is, waiting for me to open it......big box, but oddly very light....
I started to take everything out ( for a while I thought the basket was bottomless) it was loaded with goodies!!!! Do your see the "vintage talc" tin and the pretty bird (I collect birds, and the tin is wonderful).
There were pretty bits of bling in containers, ribbons, a buckle, and trim, and a little notebook decorated just for me! A matching pretty pale green vintage handkerchief and finger towel all wrapped with silk ribbon. Along with all these treasures a couple of surprise packages. Wow! Look at all that lovely trim wrapped on bingo cards, a picture frame made with music paper!

The second package contained this lovely bookmark she made, I love to read but this is way to pretty to hide in a book.....
For those who would like to see where this creative lady blogs, well take a look here and enjoy
Lovely swap! Great gifts! Wow! ~Nance
You are very welcome! I am so glad you like everything!!
I was wondering if you were going to nab this blog background. I think it reflects you very well.
Deb, I'm so happy about your swap it looks like you were matched up with a good communicator and a generous giver like you! Look at all those yummy treats.
I have been on the receiving end of a gift from you and I know that there is no way possible that she could be disappointed.
Thank you Deb, you were reading me too well.
Love Renee xoxo
I love your art and just wanted to come and snoop at some of it all over again.
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